College Life, the Importance of a Snack Box, and How I Couldn’t Possibly Be More Proud
My mind has been disheveled over the past couple of months, anticipating and learning to adjust for my daughter’s big move. She left for college a little over two weeks ago, nearly 700 miles away. I have been worried sick, physically and mentally. She has been busy acclimating and doing her own thing. I’ve called her every couple of days, but she doesn’t always answer. I know she is busy—college life is a whole new world! Today she sent a text asking me to call her when I finished at work. I called as I walked out the door, and she was sobbing. She spilled everything she has been dealing with over the past two weeks, and I was absolutely overcome with peace knowing she felt comfortable enough to share with me. We talked and laughed and cried and talked about life and how nothing ever stops and she kept saying, “I need to think of what else to talk about!” She shared roommate drama and intimidating professors and her very own snack box beside her bed, reminiscent of Jessica Day’s bedsid...