Windows Open on a Sunday Evening

 It is Sunday evening. This weekend it has been sunny and in the 50s. Spring is SO close and I am finally feeling like myself again. I spent yesterday working on digging up parts of the banana tree. Although, as one friend mentioned, to have a banana tree is a blessing, it also grows over onto my neighbor's property and over the powerlines that connect to my home. The banana tree might be a blessing, but it is in the wrong spot of my yard. I am sitting in my recliner, writing this, and the windows are open. The cats are perched at each window and I can hear the neighbor's dog barking and the birds chirping. I don't think there is anything as beautiful as this. I haven't even turned on the tv all day long. I finished the book I was reading and won a badge on Goodreads. Rylee and I went to lunch at a little Mexican restaurant in Honea Path, and it was absolutely delicious! Rylee got her FAFSA submitted this weekend and has already received two college acceptances. I finally decided to dye my hair. I have spent the past several years trying to come to terms with the gray. I cut my hair off in 2022 and then last fall I shaved it off. Part mental breakdown, part DONE with everything. It has finally grown out into a very short bob and I'm beginning to feel more like myself. I have not felt attractive since I cut my hair off in 2022 (screw the whole "your hair needs to be long or men won't find you attractive" bullshit—it's hard to get away from that narrative). I was so tired of feeling like I constantly LOOK so tired. It's now a beautiful "acorn brown" and I feel more my age. A girl at work last week said she has never seen a morning person like I am in real life before. It made me laugh. I'm definitely not a morning person. Now that my hair isn't gray, maybe I will look more alive. And it only cost me 8 bucks. You can't beat that. Rylee was sweet enough to help me pick it out. She approved of the final result. I signed up to volunteer with Jessi at the Gallabrae 2024. It's a Celtic festival that she volunteered at last year and met lots of cool people. It's on May 25, just 3 months away. Who knows, maybe I'll meet my soulmate there? hahaha I know, I know. Maybe they will have good food though lmao.


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